Friday, March 12, 2010

Allow or Not same sex prom dates?

A student in Mississippi wants to take her same sex girlfriend to the prom leads to a cancellation of the entire dance. This Student proceeds to get her equal rights as a citizen and takes it to the U.S. District Court in Oxford. After the school had cancelled the dance the student was ridiculed and threatened by other classmates. This led to the ACLU demanding that the school do away with restrictions of same sex prom dates. I feel that the question that is needing to be answered is, Are all schools going to allow it or do students that want theses things for them selves have to fight for it. I think that it is a young adults own right to take whom ever they feel emotionally attached to with them to such a special occasion as prom. Most high schools allow just about anyone to attend prom even if they are not enrolled in that school. So why would it be any different for two girls both enrolled in the school to go together. The school board stated that the situation would cause too many distractions and embarrassment. A school should focus on the children's learning and understanding of course material before trying to interfere with the parental portion of emotional behavior. The school by canceling an event as important as prom caused more problems for the students than allowing her to just go and enjoy her senior year in high school. With this cituation some people are still so blind to see that the earth as a place is changing at a very rappid rate.


1 comment:

  1. I've been following this story as well. Your comment that "Most high schools allow just about anyone to attend prom even if they are not enrolled in that school" is something that hadn't occurred to me. You're so right!
    That was a public school and I believe it is okay for the government, even Federal, to step in and say that public schools cannot make the types of restrictions that were made at that school.
